Thursday, June 14, 2018

Free Download Happy Chick  1.7.9

Free Download Happy Chick 1.7.9

Download Happy Chick 1.7.9 For Free

Happy Chick is a classic video console emulator for Android with a huge offer of games available: just choose the one you want and download it to your phone

If you miss your SEGA Mega Drive or your NES or Super Nintendo, stop suffering and bring back the memories of your youth thanks to this Happy Chick Emulator, capable of downloading the most famous video console games to your Android without any complications.

Application Details

  • Name : Happy Chick
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 1.7.9
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : Xiaoji Studio
With this emulator, that only requires that you download its APK and enable the option to install applications from unknown sources, you'll be able to once again play games for different consoles and arcade machines. The game's controls will appear on-screen, to make the gaming experience even more realistic thanks to this gamepad recreation. And you won't require any strange configurations, rooting processes or anything similar.

The emulator, that also comes with a version for PC (from Windows XP to Windows 10) and iOS devices with jailbreak (in IPA format... nothing to do with the beer), such as iPhone and iPad, offers a system to browse through all the titles, searching by category or inputting any search query manually.

The app comes along with an interface that we can browse through, exploring all the different categories as well as a section of games recommended by the app's editors. Some of them are grouped into series (such as Final Fantasy or Digital Monster), and other others are simply categorized as the trends of that week. It's easy to come across Super Mario World, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City or any of the games from the Contra saga: the list is almost endless.
If you're looking for the latest version of Happy Chick for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download Happy Chick for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.0..

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